Since the 1970s, dancers have stood in this space awaiting the elevator or climbed the now long-gone marble staircase to train, practice and perform — or maybe even catch a glimpse of Prince, who graced the space on the fifth floor.
The photographs by Erik Saulitis and Bill Cameron feature movement, time passing or held, intention, reaching, dreaming and connecting. The proximity of this space at 528 Hennepin Avenue to the powerful Mississippi River pulls and draws the dancers’ liquid-like fascia.
The watercolor paintings by Coco Connolly continue this point of view, reflecting the artist’s interest in gestures and how body positions communicate emotion. Connolly experimented with adding watercolor to the large photographs, introducing a layer of atmosphere and suggestion of place.
This work is presented by Hennepin Theatre Trust in collaboration with the Cowles Center for Dance and the Performing Arts, with support from the City of Minneapolis Great Streets Program.
photo by Erik Saulitus with watercolor added by Coco Connolly